Chronically Surviving & Asintmah Healing

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Leg & Ankle Stretches - Accessible Yoga Series

Those that are fortunate to have functioning of their lower limbs use them daily to propel themselves about in the world. Whether it be to run a marathon or to stand up and get an item off of a shelf, we often take for granted the way our legs allows us the freedom to move and explore. Which is why the legs and ankles are often injured, and often times requiring joint replacements, such as knee replacements.

Regularly taking care of your lower limbs can have a cumulative effect and reduce the chances of injury and pain. When we take into consideration that we are often sitting nowadays, further restricting the healthy movement of our legs, it’s important to take intentional time every so often to healthily mobilize the lower body. Gentle yoga is one of the many ways to achieve this goal.

In eastern medicine, it’s understood that the legs are energetically linked to our flexibility and our connection to earth. Since the hips are linked to decisions and knees to pride, the thighs are linked to decisiveness and confidence. Consistent with the turn-of-phrase ‘one must go down before one can rise up,’ the knees, lower leg, and foot are related to our ability to move forward. The knees are connected to the ability to move away from pride, and the shins take on the built up worry about moving forward through change. The feet are the felt connection to earth, which can exemplify the resistance towards our own mother or Mother Earth. Love for oneself and Mother Nature — Asintmah — is important in order to move in our own unique way through life.

Anatomically speaking, the knees move in 1 direction:
➾ Flexion (bent knee) & Extension (extended knee)

The ankle moves in 2 ways:
➾ Dorsiflexion (flex foot/toes towards knee) & Plantar Flexion (pointed toes)
➾ Inversion (sole of foot inwards) & Eversion (sole of foot flares outwards)

A Note on Hypermobility & Knees/Ankles
For those that are hypermobile, sprains, subluxations ,and dislocations can be frequent in the ankles. Knees can often dislocate or tendons and ligaments can tare causing rather intense injuries.

Getting to know my body has been beneficial. For me, it’s important to have a good sense of how knees and ankles move safely, remaining mindful of my extended range. This type of intentional practice has helped me lower my risk of overextending. Another way to help with leg and ankles issues and injuries is through strengthening, which I will delve into in a later video on the Accessible Yoga Series — stay tuned!

Leg and ankles stretches can be used to ease tension and help prevent injury. Take it one step further by stretching slowly and with intentional breathing. This will provide an opportunity for you to explore the unique ways to safely and comfortably move your legs and ankles that’s specific to you and your body’s needs.

This simple 40 min practice is intended to stretch your legs and ankles in an accessible mindful way.

Please read:
It’s important to understand that this is in no way a replacement for medical treatments. Consult with your healthcare practitioner before starting any new exercise or wellness techniques.